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Department Releases Final 2024 NSFAS Eligibility Criteria



Department Releases Final 2024 NSFAS Eligibility Criteria

Department Releases Final 2024 NSFAS Eligibility Criteria. The Department of Higher Education and Training has released the finalized 2024 NSFAS Eligibility Criteria and Conditions, determining which students will receive financial aid for the upcoming academic year. This crucial announcement follows the approval by Higher Education Minister Blade Nzimande and signifies a significant milestone in outlining the terms and criteria for NSFAS funding.

Key Adjustments for University and TVET College Students

The newly approved criteria primarily target students enrolled in Public Universities and Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Colleges. Notable adjustments include revised NSFAS accommodation caps and living allowances, designed to address disparities between university and TVET college students. Moreover, stringent academic eligibility criteria underscore the importance of academic progression for recipients of NSFAS funding.

University Students’ Academic Requirements

In 2024, both continuing and First Time Entering Students (FTEN) at universities must achieve a credit pass rate of 50%. To secure funding for the 2025 academic year, students, whether continuing or FTEN, must attain a course credit pass rate of 60% by the end of the 2024 academic year. Failure to meet this requirement will result in the loss of NSFAS funding for the subsequent year.

Academic Criteria for TVET College Students

NSFAS bursaries for TVET college students hinge on passing a minimum of five subjects at the previous NC(V) level and progressing to the next NC(V) level. For Report 191/NATED programmes, students must pass at least three subjects at the previous N-Level to qualify for a bursary and advance to the next Report 191 level. Academic progression criteria for continuing students in occupational programmes will be determined by TVET colleges.


General Eligibility Requirements and N+ Rule

In 2024, NSFAS-funded students who deregister or drop out during an academic term and intend to resume their studies in subsequent terms must reapply for funding. Additionally, students exceeding the NSFAS N+ Rule for university or TVET college terms will not receive funding. The N+ Rule varies between universities and TVET colleges and does not apply to occupational programmes.

2024 NSFAS Allowances

The eligibility criteria also outline increased allowances for 2024, as disclosed by Minister Nzimande in January. University students residing in various accommodations have caps ranging from R41,000 to R66,500, depending on the type and location. TVET college students in different accommodations are subject to caps ranging from R41,000 to R60,000. Additionally, living allowances of R10,000 for TVET college students and R16,500 for university students will be disbursed monthly over ten months.

These criteria and allowances aim to ensure equitable access to education and support academic success for students across South Africa.

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