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Still Waiting For Your NSFAS Appeal To Be Approved?



Still Waiting For Your NSFAS Appeal To Be Approved?

NSFAS experienced a backlog of over 200 000 appeals this year, leaving students unsure whether or not they would receive funding.

Still Waiting For Your NSFAS Appeal To Be Approved?

National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) rejected over 300 000 funding applications at the beginning of the year. A number of reasons were cited for the rejection of applications, including the failure to submit certain documents. Those who were rejected were encouraged to appeal within 30 days so that the reason behind their rejection could be investigated and resolved.

In February, NSFAS experienced a backlog of over 200 000 appeals, leaving students unsure if they had received funding. This backlog was reduced by 100 000 in one day by the Appeals Tribunal.

NSFAS delayed funding decisions for thousands of lower-income students, but their university spaces were given to students who could afford to pay for their own education.


Additionally, students missed registration deadlines, leaving them without a university spot, despite having previously been accepted.

The Appeals Tribunal deliberated the thousands of NSFAS appeals submitted by students from Monday after concerns were raised by the South African Union of Students (SAUS). NSFAS stated that funding decisions would be finalised by 6 February 2023, but appeals are still pending. The tribunal had processed over 20 000 appeals by Thursday afternoon and continues to process them every day.

As the tribunal processes appeals, students will be notified continuously of the results.

NSFAS warns students about fake NSFAS Appeals notices. Students who are awaiting appeal confirmation can check their statuses from May if they are awaiting confirmation.Students should check the official NSFAS website and social media pages for accurate information and updates regarding appeals, as this is fake news.


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